General Terms & Conditions


A contract is formed between a customer (referred to as the “Customer”) and Rainbow FX (referred to as the “Company”) when an Order is received from the Customer. An Order may be in written, verbal, or electronic form. The “Product” or “Service” shall mean any product or service provided by the Company to the Customer. These conditions do not affect your statutory rights.

  1. Supply
    The Company agrees to supply the product(s) or service(s) to the Customer as detailed in the Order and according to the terms and conditions of this contract.

  2. Rights Reserved
    The Company reserves the right to enforce or not enforce any or all of these conditions at its discretion. By placing an Order with the Company, the Customer accepts these terms and conditions.

  3. Payment
    The Company will issue an invoice to the Customer for the products or services supplied, or to be supplied. Payment terms will be stipulated on the invoice. The Company reserves the right to charge interest on overdue amounts at a daily rate of 10% of the outstanding balance. Full payment must be received by the date specified on the invoice.

  4. Health & Safety
    The Company complies with all relevant health and safety regulations in the provision of its services. All materials used in face painting and makeup services are non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and safe for use on the skin. It is the Customer’s responsibility to inform the Company of any known allergies or skin conditions prior to the commencement of services. The Company will not be liable for any adverse reactions where relevant information has not been provided.

  5. Work Description & Approval
    The Company will provide services according to the description and agreement made in the Order. Any changes to the product(s) or service(s) will be discussed and agreed upon with the Customer prior to implementation. Any significant deviations from the agreed work will require mutual consent.

  6. Booking Fee & Cancellation
    Monies paid by the Customer to secure the services of the Company shall be considered a non-refundable Booking Fee. If the Customer cancels the booking less than two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled event, the Booking Fee will be forfeited. For cancellations made more than two (2) weeks in advance, the Booking Fee may be transferable to a new date at the Company’s discretion.

  7. Liability
    The Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury that may arise during the supply of the product(s) or service(s), except in cases of gross negligence or misconduct. In the event of the Company being unable to supply the agreed product(s) or service(s), liability shall be limited to the total value of the invoice or monies already paid. The Customer is responsible for informing the Company of any medical conditions, allergies, or skin sensitivities before the service is carried out.

  8. Copyright
    Unless otherwise stated in the Order, the Company retains copyright of all Original Material, including photographs, videos, artwork, designs, and other creations produced in relation to the Order. The Customer must ensure they have permission to use any copyright material they supply to the Company. The Company reserves the right to use any Original Material for marketing and promotional purposes unless agreed otherwise in writing.

  9. Usage of Makeup Artist’s Work

    Photography and Media Release: By booking the makeup artist the client grants permission for the artist to take behind-the-scenes photos or use images from the project for portfolio and promotional purposes, including social media, websites, and printed materials. If the project requires confidentiality (e.g., non-disclosure agreements), the client must inform the makeup artist in advance.

    Credit in Media: The client agrees to provide proper credit to the makeup artist in any publicly released materials, including photos, films, or press articles where makeup work is visible.

  10. Data Protection
    The Company will comply with all relevant data protection laws, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Customer agrees that the Company may take photos and/or video recordings during the service for marketing purposes, subject to prior consent. If the Customer does not consent to this, they must inform the Company in writing prior to the service. All personal data provided to the Company will be treated as confidential.

  11. Complaints Procedure
    Any complaints about the product(s) or service(s) must be made within forty-eight (48) hours of the service being provided. Complaints should be submitted in writing, and the Company will make every reasonable effort to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of the Customer.

  12. Care & Damage to Customer Property
    The Company will take all reasonable care when providing services at the Customer’s property or venue. However, the Company accepts no responsibility for any accidental damage to the Customer’s property during the service unless caused by gross negligence. The Company recommends that the Customer covers any valuable items and provides appropriate facilities for the service (e.g., chairs, tables, water).

  13. Expenses
    Any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Company in providing the product(s) or service(s), such as travel costs, parking, or materials, will be charged to the Customer at cost, provided that the Customer has been informed in advance. Receipts or proof of expenditure will be provided upon request.

  14. Insurance
    The Company holds public liability insurance to cover the face painting and makeup services provided. A copy of the insurance certificate is available upon request.

  15. Confidentiality

    Both parties agree to keep all sensitive project details, scripts, and creative concepts confidential, especially when working on projects under non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). If confidentiality is required for a specific project, the client must provide an NDA for the makeup artist to sign before the service date.

  16. Basis of Law
    These Terms and Conditions and any accompanying contract or invoice are governed by the laws of the United Kingdom.

    For further information about these terms and conditions, please contact:

Louise Becker - Owner and CEO
Rainbow FX & Rainbow FX Parties

Stefan Redmond - Partner
Rainbow FX & Rainbow FX Parties